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Modeling Practice Drawings 61

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { design1.Units = linearUnitsType.Millimeters; design1.Grid.Visible = false; design1.OriginSymbol.Visible = false; // create all regions devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region topCircle = devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region.CreateCircle(0, …

by Daniel Maura | June 21, 2024 | Share


2D CAD drawing practice + hatch

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { const string Dim = "Dimension", DashDot = "DashDot"; const double TextHeight = 4; design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(Dim, Color.CornflowerBlue)); design1.Layers.Add(new Layer("framelayer")); design1.Layers.Add(new Layer("framelayertext")…

by Daniel Maura | June 10, 2024 | Share


Hair Dryer

design1.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = displayType.Shaded;design1.Shaded.EdgeColorMethod = edgeColorMethodType.EntityColor;design1.Shaded.EdgeThickness = 2;// parameters double trimTol = 0.001; double filletTol = 0.001; double offsetTol = 0.1; double offsetAmount = -1; // creates the lists of …

by Eugenio Turchet | May 16, 2024 | Share


Flat Iron + SurfaceMesher

  design1.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = displayType.Shaded; design1.Shaded.EdgeColorMethod = edgeColorMethodType.EntityColor; design1.Shaded.EdgeThickness = 2; // Side surface Plane pln = new Plane(new Point3D(20, 0, 0), Vector3D.AxisMinusX); Arc a1 = new Arc(pln, new Point2D(12,0), new Point2D(1…

by Eugenio Turchet | May 09, 2024 | Share


Mount + Simulation

// First shape CompositeCurve cc1 = new CompositeCurve(new ICurve[] { new Line(Plane.XY, 0, 0,96,0), new Line(Plane.XY,96,0,96,24), new Line(Plane.XY,96,24,76,24), new Arc(Plane.XY,new Point2D(76,32),new Point2D(76,40),new Point2D(76,24)), new Line(Plane.XY,76,40,96,40), ne…

by Eugenio Turchet | April 05, 2024 | Share


CAD Drawing Practice

Draw the figure design1.Layers[0].LineWeight = 2; design1.Grid.Visible = false; design1.OriginSymbol.Visible = false; const string DashDot = "DashDot"; design1.LineTypes.Add(DashDot, new float[] { 5, -1, 1, -1 }); const double TextHeight = 4; //Plane Plane plane1 = Plane.XY; plane1.Rotate(Mat…

by Eugenio Turchet | April 05, 2024 | Share


CAD Practice Drawings 2D-01

Define layers, linetypes and text height. design1.Layers[0].LineWeight = 2; const string DashDot = "DashDot"; design1.LineTypes.Add(DashDot, new float[] { 5, -1, 1, -1 }); const string DimLayer = "Dimension"; design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(DimLayer, Color.CornflowerBlue)); const string Construction …

by Lorenzo Capelli | February 28, 2024 | Share


Angular Bracket

// Extruded L shape CompositeCurve cc1 = new CompositeCurve(new ICurve[]{ new Line(Plane.XZ, 0, 0, 50, 0), new Line(Plane.XZ, 50, 0, 50, -10), new Line(Plane.XZ, 50, - 10, -5, -10), new Arc(Plane.XZ, new Point2D(-5, -5), new Point2D(-10, -5), new Point2D(-5, -10)), …

by Lorenzo Capelli | February 27, 2024 | Share


Drawing 2D-01

const string dimLayerName = "Dimension", linetypeName = "DashDot", referenceLayerName = "Reference"; Plane vertical = new Plane(Point3D.Origin, Vector3D.AxisY, -1 * Vector3D.AxisX); // plane.XY; // adding different layers design1.LineTypes.Add(linetypeName, new float[] { 10, -2, 2, -2 }); …

by Gianpiero Tovo | October 13, 2023 | Share


YouTube logo

// main body arcs definitions Arc a1 = new Arc(Plane.XY, new Point3D(-20, -15), new Point3D(-22, 0), new Point3D(-20, 15), true); Arc a2 = new Arc(Plane.XY, new Point3D(-20, 15), new Point3D(0, 16.5), new Point3D(20, 15), true); Arc a3 = new Arc(Plane.XY, new Point3D(20, 15), new Point3D(22, 0), n…

by Gianpiero Tovo | September 21, 2023 | Share